Web Development
A Redesign to Showcase Groundbreaking Research


The Margolis Center for Health Policy at Duke needed to update its site experience and better showcase the Center’s tremendous activity and breadth of content.


Craft a system that organizes content into thematic hubs to create rich connections and foster discoverability via contextual lateral relationships throughout the site. 


A modern site showcasing the Center’s dynamism highlights groundbreaking research, accomplishments, and healthcare policy news in a consumable way.

Organizing into thematic hubs

We began by conducting stakeholder interviews and quickly identified the need to reflect the activity of the Center.  

In collaboration with the Center’s communication team, we crafted a system that organizes content into hubs that leverage key themes, creating rich connections and fostering discoverability throughout the site.

A modular approach to design

We conducted stakeholder workshops to jointly uncover and align on key organizational north stars that would orient the project in the right direction.

During our iterative prototyping phase, we explored how to translate these ideas from the abstract into the concrete. We worked closely with the Duke-Margolis team to create and refine wireframes that defined the structure and functionality of the site.

After determining a visual design direction for the site, we built a modular system of styles and elements using Figma. This helped the site maintain a cohesive visual identity throughout, and streamlined front-end development.

The power of Storybook

We developed the front-end of the site leveraging Storybook JS. Storybook allowed us to quickly onboard front-end developers and create re-usable templates and components to utilize across the site.It gave us an opportunity to merge dynamic JS tools with with the robust Drupal8 CMS. The result is a powerful, flexible platform that empowers the Duke-Margolis Center to exhibit its broad impact.

  • Higher Education
  • Drupal
  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframing

Project Information


Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy


1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004


March 26, 2023


