Digital Marketing

Microsoft Consulting And Support Services

Located in the heart of New York City, and ESW Associates combine to form a tandem of software offerings that address a broad range of solutions for Microsoft products. Boasting a 14-year track record of success, their industry recognitions and use cases continued rolling in – yet they felt that they were not fully leveraging their growing reputation and online presence to maximize their lead generation potential. Not to mention, their processes had evolved to the point where scalability did not concern them one bit. With these two key factors aligned, they were ready to invest in a true partner to help them expand their client base and offer their best-in-class capabilities to the world.

Also, they had a sense that their accounts had grown stale, and that they were not receiving the type of granular insights and advanced capabilities that would lead to a belief that, at the very least –they were getting anything even close to optimal performance against their investments.



First, given the complexities of their setup and the numerous platforms that they were using – we needed to complete a thorough and accurate inventory of their existing conversion tracking system.

In parallel, we sat down with the ESW team to gain a full understanding of their objectives as an organization. This is a standard point of process for us. It enables us to create a digital strategy that is internally consistent on one side, and mutually supportive on the other. It is a fully developed process that we have built and refined over the past 10 years, the details of which we cannot disclose publicly here – or everyone would do the same!

The extent to which we sit down and formulate a well thought out strategy predicts the overall success of the new digital program that we are designing. For this client, the nuances were many. And for any client, these considerations must be handled and the solutions tailored on a case-by-case basis – as there is absolutely no ‘one size fits all’. Middle of the road solutions will garner middle of the pack results.

With the results of this thorough analysis and cumulative mindshare in hand, we reach the execution stage. There was nothing tentative about our approach, and there never is. We laid the groundwork for the new program by first dismantling the technical underpinnings for what we revealed to be a highly inaccurate tracking setup. We created a system that ties first into our source reporting platform, then into Google Analytics, and then out to the various advertising platforms (Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc). By establishing an approach like this, we create an environment whereby we are creating consistency across all channels. This enables us to:

Project Information




United States


June 22, 2023

