Digital Marketing

Web Design & SEO for Illinois Law Firm

Litchfield and Nokomis, Illinois are not huge towns, as a matter of fact, they’re quite small and that’s what exasperated Attorney Trent West when he was unable to find his website on Google. In addition to the lack of online presence, the design was outdated and reminded us of one of the YP designs circa 1998. 

ClickGiant designed a brand-new WordPress website, fresh logo, developed and optimized the content for all of the practice area pages and launched with great fanfare earlier this year. The firm was super excited about the new look and received a ton of positive feedback from townsfolk. ClickGiant was super excited about the prospect of climbing the rankings in both Illinois towns.

Map Pack Love

With Local SEO you’re either in the map pack or you ain’t. Thanks to a new web design, strong content strategy including unique copy for every practice area and use of ClickGiant’s review builder tool, The Law Firm of Glenn & West is!

For my side I’ll have the Knowledge Panel please! 

It appears Nokomis hasn’t earned itself a Map Pack section yet. No worries, we’ll take the top spot the old fashioned way but we’ll have a side of “Google Knowledge Panel” as well! See that juicy GMB profile on the right side of the page? Just another perk of being #1.

Live Ranking Dash Don’t Lie

ClickGiant’s Live Ranking Dash usually does a good job of telling the story and this project is no exception. Glenn & West is now ranked in the top few spots for just about every legal practice area you can think of in both Litchfield and Nokomis, Il. Case closed.

Project Information


Glenn & West


320 West Central St. PO Box 36 Nokomis, IL 62075


October 25, 2021

