During the warm summer months of Alberta, floating on the Bow River is one of the province’s most popular outdoor activities. As a result, there are multiple business providing the same types of services, saturating the market. As a relatively new business (founded in 218), Lazy Day Raft Rentals has built their business by standing out amongst the pack as the most reliable and affordable business offering high quality customer service to their clients.
When Lazy Day first approached us, they sought to improve their online awareness, increase search visibility, and leads to increase overall revenue. As a business that had never fully undertaken any digital marketing, this was to be no easy task.
Our research revealed the size of the challenge, including:
- Less than 100 visitors per month to the site.
- Limited Link landscape – with very little representation on other sites.
- There was no visibility for their marquee keywords such as “Kayak Rentals Calgary” & “Bow River Raft Rentals”.
In other words, they were not reaching a even a mediocre portion of their potential client base. Additionally, they had minimal keywords ranking on the top 5 pages of google, but only a handful of them had any search volume. Essentially, we were starting from zero.
Keyword Targeting
There was basically zero targeting of specific keywords on the Lazy River site. Firestarter created a robust, highly intentional keyword map to drive more traffic to their site.
Link Building
With only 10 Referring Domains to speak of in 2022, Firestarter SEO had to prioritize getting them listed on as many relevant sites as possible. So we undertook a link building campaign consisting of directories and guest posts.
Content Creation
Firestarter SEO immediately began creating blogs for Lazy River. This established consistent updates and additions to their website. In addition, we created high-quality digital assets like infographics in order to better differentiate them from the rest of the competition.
– Raft Rentals
– Kayak Rentals
Project Information
Lazy DayRaft RentalsLaw
720 3rd Street NW Calgary, AB T2N1N9
February 20, 2021