Mobile App Development
Increasing access to life-saving medicines

Unlocking medication access in low-income regions

Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) is a non-profit organization that fights for access to healthcare in low and middle income countries by fighting legal patents that block access to lifesaving medication in court. A majority of their work involves making patent info on medications, vaccines, and other pharmaceutical products available to lawyers, advocates, and non-profits through MedsPal – a free resource that provides insight into the intellectual property status of specific patents. The database includes data on over 10,500 national patent applications for 135 life-saving meds in over 130 Lower Middle Income Countries.

Redesigning a life-saving medical database

Over the past year, MPP decided to revamp their site to improve the user experience and bring the interface up to date. To get started, we conducted a UX audit to identify any easy-to-fix usability issues that we could quickly redesign.

Since we didn’t have much information about how users were interacting with the site, we also conducted interviews with people from various organizations. We found that users appreciated the minimalistic design, but wanted more clarity in the table presentation and some improvements to the search bar and reporting tools.

In the redesign, we made the data table more visually appealing by adding some whitespace around the cells and tags for key information. We also added a saved search feature to allow users to easily return to their previous searches, as they mentioned they frequently check back for updates on their queries.

Realigning the client’s expecations

The client was a bit nervous about the redesign process because their current product was such a vital part of their work and they didn’t want to lose any of its core features. But, we were able to help them reimagine their vision for the product and create a modern, easy-to-use database that can handle changes to the backend data structure as they add more patent information. We’re currently in the midst of developing MedsPal and are pumped to see it go live. We think it has the potential to raise the bar for patent data visualization and searchable databases.

Platforms Desktop, Mobile

Deliverables  Discovery, Product Strategy, UI,
UX, Design System, Development

Project Information


Meds Pal


United States


July 08, 2023

