Organic SEO for Prescription Assistance Company
From Pay to Play to Rank and Stay
Simplefill is a prescription assistance program dedicated to making meds affordable for their members. There’s nothing simple about SEO for drugs online but Simplefill now simply dominates the SERPS.
Originally hired to manage PPC solely, ClickGiant would eventually get a crack at organic SEO within the highly competitive “prescription drug discounts” space.
Up for the Task
We had some early success that really got us excited about building out specific pages for every medication that Simplefill can help with. Sidenote: contact the ClickGiant marketing team immediately if you’re interested in rankings that don’t go down within 4 hours.
Big Pharma meet Content Karma
Okay, maybe it’s not Karma per se but it’s a nice way to think about it right? When you put the work in and truly ask yourself how you can help the reader/visitor obtain the knowledge they are seeking in the form of the (100% unique) written word… you are paid back 10 fold in this life and every other life.
Project Information
United States
October 25, 2021