How SEO Increased Phone Calls For Voyagers To 400 Per Month


Newport Beach and Balboa Island are both attractive destinations for people in the Los Angeles area to visit during weekends as a way to get out of the city. When they visit, one of the most popular attractions is to rent a Duffy boat for the afternoon. As a result, there are multiple business providing the same type of service, saturating the market. Although they’d been in business for a while, they’d never pursued any kinf of SEO or digital marketing. Knowing that they’re the best in the business, they needed to find a way to stand out against their lower quality competitors.

When Voyagers first approached us, they sought to improve their online awareness, increase search visibility, and leads to increase overall revenue.

Our research revealed the size of the challenge, including:

  • Less than 100 visitors per month to the site.
  • Limited Link landscape – with very little representation on other sites.
  • There was no visibility for their marquee keywords such as “Duffyboat Rentals Newport Beach” & “Balboa Duffy”.

In other words, they were not reaching a significant portion of their potential client base. Additionally, they had minimal keywords ranking on the top 5 pages of google, but only a handful of them had any search volume. Essentially, we were beginning from the ground floor. 


Firestarter developed a strategy geared towards targeting better keywords, driving traffic to the website, and generating leads.

Keyword Targeting

There was almost no strategic keyword targeting on the Voyagers site, so Firestarter SEO created a Keyword Map and began implementing those keywords throughout core areas of the site.


Link Building

With only 40 Referring Domains to speak of in 2020, Firestarter SEO had to prioritize getting them listed on as many relevant sites as possible. So we undertook a linkbuilding campaign heavily focused on directories and citations in order to drive relevant local traffic to the site.


Content Creation

Firestarter SEO immediately began creating blogs for Voyagers. This established consistent updates and additions to their website. In addition, we created high-quality digital assets like infographics in order to better differentiate them from the rest of the competition.


– Boat Rentals

Project Information




504 S Bayfront, Balboa Island, Newport Beach, CA 92662 Located on Balboa Island, next to the Ferry


February 14, 2021

